Sunday, May 23, 2010

An update. And shit. And hellos.

Well, I guess it's been a fairly long time. I do miss a lot of you internet peeps; you very interesting bunch of quite remarkable people. Ultimately, the reason for my absence is due to nothing more than laziness.... or to put it more mildly for me, a simple lack of capacity on my part to be able to do everything I'd want to do in a single day. But far from being engaged in some very important work that will make my societal life more secure, leave alone progress the world I live in, I've been doing nothing more than loafing around and doing my course work which in the best of descriptions can be put as "half-assed".
I guess something else needs to be mentioned before I carry on. Well, I'm in love, and in a relationship. I always have a hard time defining these things, but yes... I technically have a girlfriend, and we are "going out". I find it much better to just resort to defining these things as "we both love each other" - that's the only real thing. Everything else often feels like needlessly imposed labels and a bit of "security measure bullshit". But never mind. The point being that I was kind of lost. My desires of being a physicist and doing physics, which while still present, have not manifested into anything I consider "real". The academic circles, as all those who have festered in it long enough know, is nothing more than pretentious nonsense that ultimately does not serve the purpose it should be serving, and has more to do with politics and power than with anything else. This I long since knew, but perhaps the degree of it all... as well as being very knee deep in it at this critical juncture in my life, has made it all the more poignant. I was expecting something a bit spicy, but instead got a bowlful of chilly flakes and jalapenos drizzled in tabasco sauce. Yeah, that's poignant alright. As far as my place in society is concerned, my present position is no more awkward in comparison to what I had imagined when I began, than a circus monkey clanging his cymbals is in a high budget porn film starring a confused Mel Gibson, screaming on his phone for his lawyer. In case this sounds like sour grapes, I should mention that as far as academic labels are concerned, things have not been "bad"... though they were lower than my expectations. I'm merely bothered by the way the outside world is.
But really, let me be honest in saying that quite a lot of this is bullshit. The stone cold truth is I can do and become whatever the hell I want to become quite independent of my silly, pointless, "circling around faster and faster, until the head goes into the ass" society. We all know this. We all know that ultimately, we control who and what we are. The real person that we become, defined by our actions and abilities, are strictly under our control. With the age of the internet, accessing the required information to grow in whatever department is no longer an issue in the hands of our dear, moronic society. I need not have a million bucks to buy some rare text on physics or literature... but rather, I could download it for free. I could download how to books, books that teach you how to play with instruments (and yourself, if that's your thing), music, movies and cultural bits to make me appreciate beyond the crap promoted by the mainstream media... you get the point. A GOOD chunk of that "real development" can be acquired quite easily these days, and much of it for free. But, I seem to have been bitten a bit by the apathy bug. My beloved would rather you believe that the laziness came first, and the apathy is merely a mental invention to remain in that oddly pleasant and somewhat comfortable state of inaction. I would say she's right were it not for the fact that if something does bite my ass (symbolically, and cymbally speaking), I do get on to doing the required action. If I believe in something quite strongly, or better yet, if the action involves someone I do love, I always do whatever action is necessary in order to ensure the best outcome. The simple fact is then, that I both don't love myself enough, and that I don't believe in myself or my cause too much either... right now.
Besides, she has become the most real thing to me right now. She alone can actually motivate me to take better care of my health, which I've let slip away for a good 4 years till now. It's only since the past week or so that I've bothered to find my old weights and dumbbells and get back to working out. I'm doing my physics now however, more out of a sense of duty (to finish the job I set out to do), than one of purpose.
So yes, that's quite enough about me. I hope that YOUR shit is hanging well, and has the required moisture,texture and bacterial content of a well formed turd, and the fragrance of a bouquet of fresh tulips from Holland. I wish your turds are so well formed, that toilet paper is made obsolete... for their passing, apart from being effortless, leaves a stainless and spotless (though squeaky) backside. Forgive me peppe's.. toilet humour is in my blood, and my brain swims in brackish urine. What I mean to hope, is that your life is going well.... at least all things considered, and if not, I hope it does soon. Don't give up hope. Hmm, let me deal with some of you individually.
1)Obsquatch- I hope your life is going ok. Last I read, you had some awful sinuses were more clogged up than your balls. You need to unclog them both promptly my man. Might I suggest our old tried and true remedy, of verbally assaulting turd dicks through comments, and feeding off their stupidity like a starving pelican does on a hapless pidgeon
2)Heather Maria - In Canada eh? Good... I guess. May the force be with you in obliterating stalkers and haters. If only your boobs through some remarkable transformation on smoking a few million cigarettes, allowed your nipples to shoot laser beams to burn out brains and eyes. Yes, if only. Sounds like a pretty good comic idea to me.
3) Krumbine- Yes, nothing like talking and thinking about comics to bring you up. You horbawrong grandson of a motherless bastard! I hope your business and enterprise are steaming ahead almost as good as your poop. Your tolerance with YouTube would make Mahatma Gandhi look like George Bush trying to uncork a wine bottle, who in his inebriated state, considered it to have some more Jack Daniels. Stay creative.. and stay tolerant. (And send me more shirts for this, you fucker!)
4)Ibrahim- Where the fuck are you man?! Anyway, all mild greetings aside, I hope you are fine, and that the shits strong with you as well. Statistically speaking, the shit can't be great for everyone. It's part of the poop balance, or the poop matrix. Some may blame the food, but really, it's all based on several factors - the colon, your sphincter, the humidity and temperature, fluids, solids, liquids and gases. Most people blame poop on one or two things, missing the complexity behind what makes a good poopsicle. Ok, I really don't know why I'm going on so faecetiously, but in all sincerity, I hope you are well. You truly are a remarkable person... don't forget that and accept crap dished out by others or by society.*taps nose*
5)Tim "The Hairy Geek"- What can I say? I'm flattered that my written diarrhea has made you a follower. Yes, like Obsquatch, you too enjoy the blunt art of troll bashing, and that makes you warm my liver like no rum can, my good fellow. I take it the bashing is going well these days as well. Apart from your skill, your general "do", is what I perhaps like the most. Till recently (actually... yesterday), I too was quite "the hairy geek". After nine requests from "my beloved", I decided to get a hair cut and a shave.

The barber claimed I looked a good 15 years younger. I could upload both images, but I think I'll just upload the hairy one. As all of us know... it's best to be remembered at our hairiest (and more fun). [I know I look pissed, perhaps a bit constipated. I mean... wouldn't you if you looked like that?! I could upload a pic with me a little more cheerful, but that wouldn't show me at the last few moments of the hairiest I've been this year thus far]

There are others. Emma, Anglobap,Jen, Kat, Dep, B, ... and on and on. I could go on, but you get the gist of it... I wish things are well, and will go well in the near future. I simply wish this in general, since I don't know shit about what's going on with most of you these days. I'd love to hear from some of you, and I'll try to get online more these days in order to catch up on stuff, especially now that I've got my "vacations".

Till next time, ciao.