Saturday, June 2, 2012

Blast from the past - Insanity Crackers vol.1

The Unnecessary Background (Skip if you don't give a shit, straight to the "crackers" below):

I don't know if anybody knows this about me, but for the longest time... I wrote down almost all of my thoughts and e-xpressions.  This included any ideas that I had, which I considered "good", interesting or strange at the time; a considerable number of comments I wrote on websites, blogs and other places that I thought had either enough comedic value or "truth content"; physics ideas I thought were extremely interesting and important, and ideas about physics which I thought were worth investigating. This personal exercise began after I popped into existence, and went on till I began my Masters' Program, at which point I thought it quite important to buckle down, JUST focus exclusively on my self improvement in physics and get ALL other distractions and hobbies out of my way as much as possible (hence my lack of torrent use for movies and music, and my absence from the net). Turns out I got quite a social life back and ended up in a very deep relationship for a while... so the physics thing didn't quite work out ... as well as I planned anyway ;) . But, the point remains that the writing died.

Well, that's enough background that you may not have needed. The point of this post is to share a particular set of philosophical musings that I wrote on a YT channel I had a LOooooNG time back, one that hosted documentaries I found interesting.Long story short, YT blocked the channel because even if I did want to try to make the world a slightly better place by sharing and making accessible a bunch of documentaries dealing with art,science, history and philosophy that few people were aware of, but which were arguably topics that would increase their personal awareness and understanding of reality..... *DEEEEP Breath* .... thereby making them more informed and tolerant so as not to be swayed by manipulative external sources and forces like the public media, ....  it violated precious copyright laws on technical grounds, since YT making money off of them did not constitute fair play usage... technically..... *Another DEEEP Breath*... but this technicality could have just as easily been bypassed if I simply bothered to use a video editor to speed up or slow down the video at some point of the video for a brief bit of time; such videos being immune from cop(yright)blocking. (If you are thinking that the explanation to make the long story short was longer than the story itself, and are chuckling at the "irony".... congratulations for having the thought,but it was intended! That was the thing that was tickling my brain to make me do it. It's not an unintentional ramble by a deranged man! It's an intentional textual expectoration by a half witted gnat twat from curry land! Why doesn't anyone get my damn humour?!! Why?!! ( <-- Ok, this was unintentional ( I meant the lengthy explanation about the humour behind the short explanation being lengthy.... and not the fact that I put another set of parentheses inside a set of parentheses.... and whoop, wouldn't you know it.. I've done it again! Just like Britney Spears. (Well... not like Ms.Spears. She makes crappy albums over and over. I on the other hand am fond of nested parentheses apparently. There's a slight difference)))).

What was I talking about again? Oh yes... I had a channel. And on it I took the chance to share my wisdom at the time in the interest of giving them something to think about... which is never a bad thing. I called these "insanity crackers", and I'm going to share a couple here now, and the rest later. Upon reading what I wrote in 2007, it's almost like an "aww, ain't that cute" feeling that I'm getting. It's like me listening to a younger brother, or a younger me! Oh wait  ...

The Insanity Crackers:

Insanity Cracker 1:
"Fear is what runs our lives- The fear of being destitute makes us collect more money than we would ever need, the fear of dying alone makes us go on those god awful dates, the fear of being alone get us on youtube, in chat rooms and Myspace to name a few...the list goes on.Fears lead to insecurities which lead to a cyclic destructive paths being formed, cycles which seldom truly end. Yet in all this we neglect our greatest virtue, our human spirit, which can see light in the midst of darkness, joy when enveloped with the shards of broken dreams. Defiant against the curse of memory and the gift of foresight. Does not the bum on the street find moments of joy when there ought be none? The objects of fear are immeasurably weaker than the latent strength we all possess, stemming from our indestructible human spirit."

Insanity Cracker 2:
"Honesty , is not a badge of honour to be waved around by those open individuals comfortable with their shortcomings, who enjoy tormenting those who are ashamed and/or in denial of who, what or where they are. No, honesty and particularly self-honesty is a tool to be used by an individual to realize who and where they are at a moment, and thus give them the power to consequently go and be where they want to be. Lying to others is perfectly fine both logically and practically, PROVIDED you either have no direct responsibility to the other individual, i.e some actual relationship, and wish to spare their feelings over a reasonably harmless matter, or in the case of lying actually being in the interest of a greater, larger and demonstrable truth. But whatever you do.. NEVER lie to yourself, as far as is possible before breaking down and going insane. To do so will only lead to self-denial and perhaps even self-destruction."

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