Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Life" (My attempt at depressing myself)

Each passing day,the story's the same,
Try to make the most, try not to digress,
I open my eyes wider, harder... longer,
But it only gets darker,it only gets less

Who I was keeps slipping away,
grains of sand in a fractured hour glass,
I try to stem the tide, try so hard to hide,
But time only makes more real, my future void

Tried to find solace in company, but it's a biological scam,
fragmented people trying as hard as they can,
to be something more than the sum of their parts,
the story always ends with a chosen drug, and broken hearts

Tried to find solace in being something more,
till I noticed I'm smaller, and still on square one,
'cause I've given all I've got, I'm all but lost,
the salt in the wounds - what I sought was always naught

Then I realized that solace was meant for the blind,
those that can't see, and have no need to hide,
those who might seek, but find joy in whatever they find,
they're the only ones that don't end up losing their mind.

(P.S: I'm not depressed.... but I was trying to be bleak this morning. This is the result.)

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