Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The most infamous moment involving me from my University days.

This video was recorded in my first year, first semester... nearly 3 years ago. Back in those days... well, kind of like these days (and come to think of it... always) , I did't care much about my appearance. But on this particular day, my belt snapped, and since I didn't want my jeans to be by my ankles...  I just tied whatever was left of my belt around my waist in a seemingly harmless knot. I didn't do this in front of a mirror, and so unbeknownst to me the end result appeared .... somewhat peculiar, to put it mildly. What's going on in the video is that I'm trying to contact the lab assistant in our department to get the keys for the lab... in order to get the bag of a fellow student/friend who had left it in there (It was near closing time of the department). The one whose bag is inside is the one who is carrying around a broken remnant of my belt at the start of the video (.. for some mysterious reason). Anyway.... you need to watch till near the end of the video (at 2:07 to be precise) to get what the hub-bub was about. This incident is infamously known as "the belt incident".

Update: I should have corrected the title, but I think it's better for me to clarify further out here. The titles validity really depends on what one calls "infamous". Was there really an incident as whacky as me running around stark naked in the 9th grade in my school (for a reason I shall not mention here)? Nope. university was far more sober for me. But, there have been moments where "the usual things" did happen... like pissing off lecturers for all the WRONG reasons, leading to me debating them in the classroom. Other usual things are crazy observational moments like these ... of which this is the most memorable I guess... rather than "infamous". Arguably however, by any measure, the most infamous moment is where I pissed off the whole senior batch in my University, to the point that they wanted to gang up on me. While I was ready to "go down fighting as long as I took some of them down", I had something at the time I have never been able to count on for much of my life - friends. Yes.... they had my back. The wolf in this rare moment was not alone. He had a pack of sorts.Enough of this.... on to the incident.
Every year our department hosts an event.... a festival, with games, quizzes, plays,etc... and food. The freshers normally host and plan the thing, and the seniors provide some input, help and general cooperation (Masters is a two year course here... so we just have freshers and seniors, but some PhD students come in the "seniors" bracket as well).  In our year, the seniors were being a pain in every way possible. Some of them refused to pay the amount per student as was calculated to get the event going, some of them tried to bully their way and ideas into some events... which annoyed me not only due to it happening, but also for the "freshers" wimping out all the time. All the while I stood on the sidelines. I was only affiliated with the quiz event, and it was just me and my friends doing the whole thing. No one messed with us... for whatever reason. But while the festival was going, some of the seniors were protesting the details of the 'Aantakshari' event (Aantakshari being a game where you sing a song, and the next team/person continues with another song starting with the ending syllable of the previous teams song). Now, I hate the game in general and would not have participated (and did not later on) in my wildest dreams,  but having them boycott the event on the day of the event, chiefly because of a chosen professor not being involved because the prof was busy... just pissed me off. When I see something beyond a certain level of stupidity, I always take it upon myself  to talk and act and get some "non stupid" result. So I went in the room, and started talking to this "representative" for the seniors. After thoroughly criticizing his views on the matter at hand, and showing how they were unreasonable and/or illogical, he decided the best way to go was not logic, but an idiotic phrase (which had no point in being said, and made no sense since I had addressed the issues he brought up and showed him to be a total douche nozzle). He said "To make a clap, you need two hands". I responded " First" , and then without saying anything snapped my fingers onto the base of my palm and made a clapping sound. He made a disgusted face at this. I followed the demonstration by saying " Second, while I would call the freshers a hand, I wouldn't call the seniors that. They're by demonstrated overwhelming evidence, some other body part". He didn't seem offended at this, and I thought he didn't get it to be honest. He just left seconds later, and I felt quite accomplished. I thought that I had done it once again - If I couldn't reason with the irrational opponent, I verbally put him in his place. Next thing I know.... as in ten minutes later, as I was enjoying a snack outside near the badminton court, out storms the "representative" with some fifteen odd seriously pissed off seniors. They stop, the representative points at me, and I just look right back at them with a face suggesting "Great. More stupidity". They storm towards me... but stop just short. They decide to go straight to the person/ our batch mate next to me. Incidentally, this person they went to, my classmate, was "running the show" .... not because she was elected to do so, but rather due to the manifestation of her megalomaniacal tendencies and her desire to be in charge of all things in general. (That, and our near collective fresher desire to have nothing to do with the stupid event; she was the only one that gave a damn ). Anyway, so they're talking to her at earshot from me about me calling them "asses". This offended me for two reasons - 1) I clearly meant they were dicks, and the freshers and seniors had a relationship that could at best be described as "jerking off"! Ass? What the hell? What kind of relationship could that mean? At best one could say that our department is a shit factory, and the seniors are the ones that are "pushed out" into this toilet of a world. But still, that would make them shit ... not ass, and why would the freshers in any case as hands be in contact with them?! (Doesn't anyone get my comedic brilliance, I thought at the time.) And 2) I'm right fucking there! Don't be a rude shit/ass/dick... or whatever you consider yourself to be.If you have a problem with something I said, clarify it with me. I'm more than happy to explain it.  So I walk up to the gang and ask them once " Excuse me, is there a problem?" . They ignore me collectively. Man... to be ignored by one person is easy enough, but either I pissed them off so badly that none of them wanted to look at me.... OR they planned that none of them would look or talk to me. Either way... I pissed them off quite a bit  :D . So I go further " I couldn't help overhearing, and I think you're talking about me". One of them, "Mr. I" says "We're not talking to you". I retort "That may be, but I'M talking to you! I'd be happy to clarify any doubts you may have about what I said". At this, the guy mumbles with some of the others, and they approach me looking insanely pissed. I crack my knuckles and think "Woohoo! A fight!". At this point, those party poopers I call friends intervene. One goes ahead and talks to "Mr.I" and tries to take the group with him, with considerable success. Another friend tries to convince me to walk away. I boldly proclaim that I have no problem discussing any matter, and if it goes somewhere else... I can handle that to some effect as well. Finally, being coerced with a promise of coffee... I leave. After this,... my mind was horrified at how people form groups over anything. It made no sense in saying "the seniors are acting like this or that" to mean ALL seniors. I clearly meant the jackasses that were acting as such, and only mentioned the term "seniors" because that's how it was being discussed with me by their "representative". I came up with an idea that we (me and my friends) should call ourselves "The Shangles" (word just popped in my mid for no reason), and that should anyone say anything bad about the Shangles anywhere, we'll just gang up on them and threaten to beat them. Doesn't matter if it made sense or not, or if it was harmless. We'd just be looking to kick ass. I must in the interest of honesty admit that this incident did end up fucking with my mind some days later. I end up thinking about things obsessively to figure out more rules and patterns, to extract as many lessons and ideas as I can. Something in that thought process did affect me. But on the given day, it was just bemusement and jokes all around, with my friends nervously looking over their backs, secretly thinking about how much of a social n00by dumb ass I am to get into shit like this.

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